
Title: Inside the Mind of Toyota: Management Principles for Enduring Growth.
Author: Satoshi Hino
ISBN: 1138198285 / 9781138198289
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 352
Publisher: Productivity Press
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock

Price: 4,300.00 1,495.00

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Toyota’s sustained growth attracts the attention of economists and industrialists around the world eager to learn the secrets of Toyota’s lasting success.

In Inside the Mind of Toyota: Management Principles for Enduring Growth, Satoshi Hino examines the source of Toyota’s strength: the fundamental thinking and management structures that lie beneath the creation of its famed Toyota Production System.

From the perspective of a professional with 30 years experience in the auto industry, Hino presents a fresh and detailed analysis of Toyota’s essential management system, from its very beginnings into the 21st century.


The book :

 Presents a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the Toyota management philosophy.
 Clarifies the mechanisms used to transmit its winning system from generation to generation.
 Gives a historical perspective on the structural anatomy of Toyota’s management foundation.
 Provides analysis emphasizing research, product planning, design, and development functions.
 The ultimate goal is not simply to mimic Toyota’s formula, but to learn from it and, in doing so, surpass it.


Translator’s Foreword
Preface to the English-Language Edition

Chapter 1 : Toyota’s Genes and DNA
Chapter 2 : The Toyota Paradigm
Chapter 3 : Toyota’s System to Management Functions
Chapter 4 : Toyota’s System of Production Functions
Chapter 5 : Product Power and Brand Power
Chapter 6 : Toyota Management in the 21st Century

About the Author